In my last post, I wrote about virologists using directed evolution to produce viruses that fight cancer. Another nice example of evolution being …
Using Natural Selection to Evolve Better Gene TherapyRead More
// by John Herron
In my last post, I wrote about virologists using directed evolution to produce viruses that fight cancer. Another nice example of evolution being …
Using Natural Selection to Evolve Better Gene TherapyRead More
// by John Herron
If we can control evolution well enough to turn wolves into poodles, why can't we use the same method to turn viruses into magic bullets for cancer? …
// by John Herron
As Eli Meir has discussed, one of the take-home messages of our research on teaching natural selection is that students can benefit from repeated …
// by John Herron
Among the useful things I learned while teaching high school many years ago were two sure-fire strategies guaranteed to get the attention of any …
“[SimBio’s modules] provide a powerful environment for hands-on, active learning in Ecology and Evolution. The depth, design, and pedagogical effectiveness of these packages is unequaled. They have greatly enriched student interest and understanding in all of my courses, from Introductory Biology to Advanced Population Biology”
“The lab simulations have been very helpful to reinforce the lecture content and encourage students to use critical thinking skills to solve problems.”
“I was amazed how quickly and effortlessly the simulation taught them a dynamic system.”
“The students like [it] so much that they are working ahead of what I have assigned. They just think it’s fun. And from the quiz results I have so far, they’re really getting it. You guys are geniuses.”
“Since we began using Simbio’s Ecology chapters our students consistently come to class better prepared. This is a key to the success of our hybrid flipped classroom approach.”
“That was the most fun I’ve had teaching ecology and, I would venture to guess, the most fun my students have had taking ecology from me.”
“Our students are more prepared and our class discussions are more sophisticated because SimUText is such a great out of class “instructor”. Since our students have SimUText preparation we can spend class time applying concepts and evaluating new information.”
“I LOVE that every lab is based on a real study. I LOVE that all of the labs offer an open-ended inquiry. I LOVE that the labs gradually teach the concepts and build up a repertoire of data collection techniques. Thank you, for creating them.”
“I just wanted to say how great simutext has been. I could have memorized facts about the electron transport chain and passed the test, but would not have had any solid concept of what was happening inside. I hope that we continue to use it often even when things return to normal.”
“Congratulations for developing such a high quality chapter. I was very impressed by its comprehensiveness, accuracy, and thoughtful design. It really is superb.”
“I recommend your modules to anyone I can, because of all the online materials I’ve found, SimBio is really the best in content and best managed. I am definitely a SimBio fan!”